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EU-Förderung (6.991.729 €): Open-Digital-Industrial und Networking-Pilotlinien mit modularen Komponenten für skalierbare Produktion Hor09.12.2020 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"

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Open-Digital-Industrial und Networking-Pilotlinien mit modularen Komponenten für skalierbare Produktion

The adoption of robots in lower volume, diverse environment is heavily constrained by the high integration and deployment complexity that overshadows the performance benefits of this technology. If robots are to become well accepted across the whole spectra of production industries, real evidence that they can operate in an open, modular and scalable way is needed. ODIN aspires to fill this gap by bringing technology from the latest ground breaking research in the fields of a) collaborating robots and human robot collaborative workplaces b) autonomous robotics and AI based task planning c) mobile robots and reconfigurable tooling, d) Digital Twins and Virtual Commissioning and e) Service Oriented Robotics Integration and Communication Architectures. To strengthen the EU production companies’ trust in utilizing advanced robotics, the vision of ODIN is: “to demonstrate that novel robot-based production systems are not only technically feasible, but also efficient and sustainable for immediate introduction at the shopfloor”. ODIN will achieve this vision through the implementation of Large Scale Pilots consisting of the following components: - Open Component (OC): A small footprint, small scale pilot instance allowing the development, integration and testing of cutting-edge technologies. - Digital Component (DC): A virtual instance of the pilot implementing an accurate Digital Twin representation that allows the commissioning, validation and control of the actual pilot - Industrial Component (IC): A full-scale instance of the pilot, integrating hardware (HW) and software (SW) modules from the Open and Digital components and operating under an actual production environment. - Networked Component (IC): An integration architecture with open interfaces allowing the communication of all robotics HW and control systems through safe and secure means. ODIN will demonstrate its result in 3 Large Scale Pilots in the automotive, white goods and aeronautic sectors.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Aerotecnic Composites SL 259.788 €
Comau S.p.A. 500.063 €
DGH Robotica, Automatizacion y Mantenimiento Industrial SA 347.900 €
Fundacion AIC Automotive Intelligence Center Fundazioa 211.750 €
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation 801.375 €
????? ? ????? ??????? ?? 146.563 €
Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan 660.625 €
Netcompany-Intrasoft SA 658.875 €
???????????? ?????? 1.088.125 €
Pilz Industrieelektronik SL 217.263 €
ROBOCEPTION GmbH 367.938 €
Stellantis Auto SAS 430.217 €
????????? ????????????????? ?? 653.750 €
????????? ???? ??? 103.237 €
Whirlpool Management Emea Srl 232.763 €


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