Recherchiere Firmen­bekanntmachungen und finanzielle Kennzahlen

23 UK-Förderungen (insgesamt 3.444.437 £): Understanding and learning from the impact of COVID-19 on probation's work to improve the health of people under its supervision … BdlJahr 2020 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien


University OF Lincoln, Lincoln, Großbritannien

01.10.2020 UK-Förderung: DTP 2020-2021 University of Lincoln
16.09.2020 UK-Förderung: GCRF_NF178 Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) at home: online psychosocial support through the arts in Rwanda
30.06.2020 UK-Förderung: Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP): Informing the National Curriculum and Youth Policy for Peacebuilding in Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Indonesia and Nepal
01.03.2020 UK-Förderung: MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO BIOACOUSTICS: Integrating phylogenomics, biophysics, and functional genomics to unravel the evolution of hearing and sin
01.10.2020 UK-Förderung: Northwest European Seasonal Weather Prediction from Complex Systems Modelling
01.01.2020 UK-Förderung: NPIF EPSRC CDT 2018 equipment funding University of Lincoln
01.11.2020 UK-Förderung: Pause for Thought: Media Literacy in an Age of Incessant Change
01.10.2020 UK-Förderung: Selective Robotic Broccoli Harvesting Reducing the Requirement for Seasonal Manual Labour due to COVID 19
20.01.2020 UK-Förderung: Tinnitus, Auditory Knowledge and the Arts
01.11.2020 UK-Förderung: University of Lincoln and Princes Limited
06.01.2020 UK-Förderung (1.212.034 £): Tracing the lives and support needs of young fathers: A participatory, qualitative longitudinal and comparative analysis
01.04.2020 UK-Förderung (174.876 £): University of Lincoln and Arktis Endurance Textiles Ltd
01.06.2020 UK-Förderung (176.784 £): The Digital Sandwich - Digitised Food Supply Chain, fusing IoT, Blockchain and AI data layers to improve productivity, traceability and reduce waste
01.11.2020 UK-Förderung (19.933,00 £): Design for manufacture of integrated e-hubs for agricultural vehicles
01.09.2020 UK-Förderung (2.439.741 £): Robot Highways
01.07.2020 UK-Förderung (233.067 £): COVID 19 Grant Extension Allocation University of Lincoln
01.10.2020 UK-Förderung (233.960 £): Building the next generation blueberry harvester
02.11.2020 UK-Förderung (287.190 £): CONSULT: Collaborative Mobile Decision Support for Managing Multiple Morbidities
01.11.2020 UK-Förderung (455.056 £): University of Lincoln Core Equipment 2020
19.11.2020 UK-Förderung (47.336 £): Understanding and learning from the impact of COVID-19 on probation's work to improve the health of people under its supervision
01.05.2020 UK-Förderung (50.782 £): Materials and Molecular Modelling Exascale Design and Development Working Group
01.10.2020 UK-Förderung (616.599 £): Modeling General Principles Of Motion : Generating A Species-agnostic Model Of Motor Control (IRG1 - Project Reference 1938759)
01.10.2020 UK-Förderung (90.000 £): Towards an open-source, equipment-agnostic framework for automated welfare monitoring in the home cage

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