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UK-Förderung (677.523 £): TOTALCARE: a digital health-care framework integrating secure personal monitoring with P2P medical condition community support focused on ageing & obese populations Ukri01.09.2009 Forschung und Innovation im Vereinigten Königreich, Großbritannien

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TOTALCARE: a digital health-care framework integrating secure personal monitoring with P2P medical condition community support focused on ageing & obese populations

Zusammenfassung By 2034 23% of UK population will be 65+ and the fastest increase in those aged 85 and over. As the elderly population expands there is a pressing need to support elderly people to remain well and independent in their own homes. Older middle-aged people (50 – 65) are finding themselves looking towards their own retirement, whilst their 85 – 90 year older parent/relative remains independent feel the responsibility to support their elders whilst meeting their own physical, psychological and material needs. Totalcare has developed a low cost, intuitive system to monitor elderly physical activity at home and provide peace of mind for family members. Totalcare’s “TESS” prototype product, unlike traditional assisted living services such as fall alarms, is “prevention” orientated; it identifies patterns and changes in physical activity indicative of catastrophic health event in independent older people. (i.e. TESSvisualises patterns of bathroom use indicating possible dehydration/ urinary tract infection potentially leading to acute hospital admission. TESS also identifies disturbed sleep patterns indicating risk of falls and progression of early dementia. TESS (The Product) monitors overall physical activity in older people giving evidencing change in activity correlating with health and wellbeing assisting assessment. This gives unique insight to carers (and staff), involving them in care management. Proprietary technology is being developed also which links users, professionals and peer carers creating “social networks with a purpose”; a “virtuous virtual environment”. TESS has been piloted in sheltered accommodation and in individual homes and has been positively received as acceptable, easy to use effective as a means for concerned family members to monitor levels of activity unobtrusively and so provide piece of mind for their dependent relative and for themselves and also vital clues about potential deteriorating health status of their relatives.
Kategorie Collaborative R&D
Referenz 400056
Status Closed
Laufzeit von 01.09.2009
Laufzeit bis 29.02.2012
Fördersumme 677.523,00 £

Beteiligte Organisationen

Capita Plc
Tactical Systems Designers Limited

97.767,00 £

University of Lincoln
Telefonica Europe Plc

23.409,00 £

Wifore Consultancy Limited

119.153,00 £

Imperial College London
Csr Limited

34.161,00 £

E2v Technologies Plc
Dynamical Systems Research Limited

142.773,00 £

John Worth Media Limited

50.000,00 £

Phrisk Limited

161.997,00 £

Die Bekanntmachung bezieht sich auf einen vergangenen Zeitpunkt, und spiegelt nicht notwendigerweise den heutigen Stand wider. Der aktuelle Stand wird auf folgender Seite wiedergegeben: Capita plc, London, Großbritannien.

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