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20 EU-Förderungen (insgesamt 11 Mio. €): Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe - Clostridium Difficile Infections … BdlJahr 2017 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"


Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgien

01.01.2017 EU-Förderung (1.203.875 €): REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope - Sofia ref.: 116019
01.02.2017 EU-Förderung (1.499.250 €): What makes leaves fall in autumn? A new process description for the timing of leaf senescence in temperate and boreal trees
25.05.2017 EU-Förderung (1.966.530 €): Seeing things you don't see: Unifying the philosophy, psychology and neuroscience of multimodal mental imagery
10.08.2017 EU-Förderung (149.688 €): Development of a policy to stop the suffering caused by Nodding Syndrome and Onchocerciasis associated epilepsy
21.02.2017 EU-Förderung (160.800 €): Anticancer activity of plasma activated medium and its underlying mechanisms: Combined experimental and computational study
08.03.2017 EU-Förderung (160.800 €): Bewertung der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung aufgrund der Exposition gegenüber tabakspezifischen Karzinogenen in Belgien mit einem innovativen abwasserbasierten epidemiologischen Ansatz
11.04.2017 EU-Förderung (160.800 €): CAD WALK: Enabling Computer Aided Diagnosis of Foot Pathologies through the use of Metric Learning
22.03.2017 EU-Förderung (160.800 €): Novel Atg4B-inhibitors and dual [Atg4B-carbonic anhydrase] inhibitors for interfering with cytoprotective mechanisms of cancer cells in the acidic tumor micro-environment.
30.03.2017 EU-Förderung (160.800 €): Novel electrochemical strategies for rapid, on-site multiscreening of illicit drugs
07.03.2017 EU-Förderung (172.800 €): Low Temperature Plasma for Applications in Medicine
10.08.2017 EU-Förderung (289.000 €): Point-of-care device based on KETs for diagnosis of food allergies
01.06.2017 EU-Förderung (419.680 €): Transforming into Open, Innovative and Collaborative Governments
28.08.2017 EU-Förderung (501.120 €): Breakthroughs in Quantitative Magnetic resonance ImagiNg for improved DEtection of brain Diseases
01.11.2017 EU-Förderung (58.556 €): Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe - Clostridium Difficile Infections
06.09.2017 EU-Förderung (584.640 €): MUltiscale, Multimodal and Multidimensional imaging for EngineeRING
10.05.2017 EU-Förderung (733.759 €): Europäische Infrastruktur für Spektroskopie, Streuung und Bildgebung weicher Stoffe
28.08.2017 EU-Förderung (751.680 €): Integrated Training in Dry Eye Disease Drug Development (IT-DED3)
01.05.2017 EU-Förderung (810.066 €): Integrating Research Infrastructure for European expertise on Inclusive Growth from data to policy
25.05.2017 EU-Förderung (931.975 €): NOVel Iwt and MARitime transport concepts
10.04.2017 EU-Förderung (99.063 €): Open network of hyper connected logistics clusters towards Physical Internet

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