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EU-Förderung (1.999.750 €): Smart Grid Kompetenzdrehscheibe zur Förderung von Forschungs-, Innovations- und Bildungskapazitäten für die Energiewende Hor26.03.2019 EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation "Horizont"


Smart Grid Kompetenzdrehscheibe zur Förderung von Forschungs-, Innovations- und Bildungskapazitäten für die Energiewende

SMAGRINET engages 9 organizations from 6 countries: 6 high-level energy education and research institutions (2 involving their SSH institutes), an electricity industries union, strategic planning, an innovation management and RRI consultancy and a professional communications agency. Strategic objective of SMAGRINET is to develop a generation of researchers and engineers who are equipped to develop, improve and deploy new energy technologies in order to meet the challenges of the energy transition. Direct objective: to create smart grid competence hub for enhancing the capacities of the European universities in energy research, innovation and education and engage with industry, cities, regions and other key societal actors. Operational objective: to update, develop and implement a capacity building programme for boosting the research, innovation and education for energy transition. The objectives will be achieved by implementing a set of 6 WPs with the following main outputs: • Operation of the competence hub for collaboration and knowledge sharing, defining and validating the matrix of key challenges and cases in the smart grid area to be addressed by the capacity building programmes; • A set of 3 challenge and case-based modules (prosumers, connections, price and society) for master students (MA, MSc or ME) involving SSH and industry, complemented by simulation session and international mobility to the enterprises; 240 master students educated in the 2 rounds of piloting; • 3 short-term (3 months) blended learning programmes addressing the urgent skills needs with 720 participants (240 from each target group) in the 2 rounds of piloting; • Online trainers´ methodological manuals, 50 trainers trained as part of the train the trainers' pilot ready for replicating the modules and/or blended learning programmes; • Dissemination and communication programme reaching out at least to 100 energy communities, 5.000 related stakeholders and 100.000 general public.

Geförderte Unternehmen:

Firmenname Förderungssumme
Civitta Eesti AS 118.125 €
Eesti Elektritoostuse Liit 203.375 €
GLOBAZ SA 131.778 €
????? ????????????? ????????????? 107.125 €
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool 247.283 €
Universite de Lorraine 339.125 €
Univerza V Ljubljani 208.128 €


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